Game Engine Prototyping

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  • Press the button below to view the creature garden prototype web build.


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Below is an animation test using the ‘megafiers’ morph plugin for unity. The basic premise of the test was to find a simple way to animate the slug background creature. The slug is basically set decoration and there is not much to gain by rigging it in 3ds max if it can be morphed in quickly unity. The megafiers morph box is animated using unity’s animation editor and the horizontal movement is achieved by calling the iTween plugin from a very simple script. These are the basic principles i’ll be using in the full production demo.

#pragma strict
public var myTime : int;

function Start () {

function MoveSlug(){
 //calls the itween MoveBy function, move on the Y by 20 units, time as public variable, ease in and out and 'ping pong' the animation
	iTween.MoveBy(gameObject,{"x":0,"y":-20,"z":0, "time": myTime, "loopType":iTween.LoopType.pingPong, "easeType":iTween.EaseType.easeInOutSine});

[videoembed type=”vimeo” ratio=”sixteen_by_nine” align=”aligncenter” width=”1024″ url=”″ shadow=”yes” id=”video-2″]

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